Java File SDK



  • 区块链FISCO-BCOS节点




  • gradle依赖
implement 'com.webank.weevent:weevent-file:1.4.0'
  • maven依赖


public interface IWeEventFileClient {
    static IWeEventFileClient build(String groupId, String filePath, int fileChunkSize, FiscoConfig fiscoConfig) {
        return new WeEventFileClient(groupId, filePath, fileChunkSize, fiscoConfig);

    static IWeEventFileClient build(String groupId, String filePath, FtpInfo ftpInfo, int fileChunkSize, FiscoConfig fiscoConfig) {
        return new WeEventFileClient(groupId, filePath, ftpInfo, fileChunkSize, fiscoConfig);

     * open transport for sender.
     * @param topic topic name
    void openTransport4Sender(String topic);

     * open transport for authentication sender.
     * @param topic topic name
     * @param publicPem public pem InputStream
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
    void openTransport4Sender(String topic, InputStream publicPem) throws BrokerException;

     * open transport for authentication sender.
     * @param topic topic name
     * @param publicPem public pem path string
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
     * @throws BrokerException BrokerException
    void openTransport4Sender(String topic, String publicPem) throws BrokerException, IOException;

     * Publish a file to topic.
     * The file's data DO NOT stored in block chain. Yes, it's not persist, may be deleted sometime after subscribe notify.
     * @param topic binding topic
     * @param localFile local file to be send
     * @param overwrite if receiver has this file, overwrite it?
     * @return send result, SendResult.SUCCESS if success, and return SendResult.eventId
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
     * @throws IOException IOException
    FileChunksMeta publishFile(String topic, String localFile, boolean overwrite) throws BrokerException, IOException;

     * open transport for receiver.
     * @param topic topic name
     * @param fileListener notify interface
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
    void openTransport4Receiver(String topic, FileListener fileListener) throws BrokerException;

     * open transport for authentication receiver.
     * @param topic topic name
     * @param fileListener notify interface
     * @param privatePem private key pem InputStream
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
    void openTransport4Receiver(String topic, FileListener fileListener, InputStream privatePem) throws BrokerException;

     * open transport for authentication receiver.
     * @param topic topic name
     * @param fileListener notify interface
     * @param privatePem private key pem path string
     * @throws IOException IOException
     * @throws BrokerException BrokerException
    void openTransport4Receiver(String topic, FileListener fileListener, String privatePem) throws IOException, BrokerException;

     * Interface for file notify callback
    interface FileListener {
         * Called while new file arrived.
         * @param topicName topic name
         * @param fileName file name
        void onFile(String topicName, String fileName);

         * Called while raise exception.
         * @param e the e
        void onException(Throwable e);

     * close transport.
     * @param topic topic name
    void closeTransport(String topic);

     * query transport status.
     * @param topic topic name
     * @return FileTransportStats
    FileTransportStats status(String topic);

     * list received files.
     * @param topic topic name
     * @return FileChunksMeta list
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
    List<FileChunksMeta> listFiles(String topic) throws BrokerException;

     * sign a file transport event.
     * @param fileChunksMeta fileChunksMeta
     * @return send result and eventId
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
    SendResult sign(FileChunksMeta fileChunksMeta) throws BrokerException;

     * verify a file transport event.
     * @param eventId eventId return by sign
     * @param groupId group id
     * @return file and block information
     * @throws BrokerException broker exception
    FileChunksMetaPlus verify(String eventId, String groupId) throws BrokerException;

     * get DiskFiles.
     * @return DiskFiles
    DiskFiles getDiskFiles();

     * generate pem key pair.
     * @param filePath output pem file path
     * @throws BrokerException BrokerException
    void genPemFile(String filePath) throws BrokerException;
     * Check if the receiver end has a file.
     * @param fileName file name
     * @param topic topic name
     * @param groupId group id
     * @return is file exist
     * @throws BrokerException BrokerException
    boolean isFileExist(String fileName, String topic, String groupId) throws BrokerException;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        FiscoConfig fiscoConfig = new FiscoConfig();
        IWeEventFileClient weEventFileClient ="1", "./logs", 1024 * 1024, fiscoConfig);
        String topicName = "com.weevent.file";

        // 订阅文件,接收到的文件存到"./logs"目录中
        weEventFileClient.openTransport4Receiver(topicName, new IWeEventFileClient.FileListener() {
            public void onFile(String topicName, String fileName) {
                // 接收到文件,业务处理中

            public void onException(Throwable e) {

        // 发布文件"log4j2.xml"
        FileChunksMeta fileChunksMeta = weEventFileClient.publishFile(topicName,
                new File("src/main/resources/log4j2.xml").getAbsolutePath(), true);  

        // 对文件传输事件上链(可选)
        SendResult sendResult = weEventFileClient.sign(fileChunksMeta);
        // 验证文件传输事件(可选)
        FileChunksMetaPlus fileChunksMetaPlus = weEventFileClient.verify(sendResult.getEventId(), this.groupId);
    } catch (Exception e) {